Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) & Technology Education Photo Competition
The Ministry of Education extends an invitation for teachers and students of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Technology Education (TE) subjects to participate in TVET/TE Photo Competition 2023 under the Theme: “TVET/TE Skills – The Roadmap to National Development”.
This competition is meant to promote TVET/TE skills and support the compilation of photographic evidence which have now become an integral part of the implementation and successful completion of TVET/TE curricula.
The objectives of the competition are to:
- Showcase the myriad of TVET/TE skills being pursued by students in Trinidad and Tobago.
- Highlight the development of and access to TVET/TE skills regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, etc.
- Market TVET/TE subjects as a positive choice and career path.
- Project the future of TVET/TE education.
- Highlight best practices and reward excellence in TVET/TE skills.
Content Specifications
The digital photo(s) must reflect the practical application of a skill from
- TVET areas i.e. Agricultural Science, Home Economics, Industrial Technology (Mechanical Engineering Technology, Electrical Engineering Technology, Building and Furniture Technology), Technical Drawing and Business
- The Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) – Photographic evidence from portfolio development and/or projects; and
- Technology Education challenge in any of the following strands (Biotechnology, Human Ecology, Biological Technologies, Engineering Technologies and Entrepreneurship.
- Themes to be represented in Digital Photos (Inclusivity, ICT skills/ Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability)- Themes
All students desirous of submitting a digital photo must submit the following:
- Registration Form: Register here>>
- Entry Form and Parental Consent: Consent forms>>
(teacher or students with MOE accounts can submit the Entry Form using the link provided or the completed Entry Form can be emailed to CPDDTVETandTechEdUnit@moe.gov.tt
The digital photo must have been taken during the academic year 2022-2023. Doctored or edited photos will be disqualified.
All persons featured in the digital submissions must give consent for the use of the photo by the Ministry of Education on its social media and official platforms.
All photos submitted become the property of the Ministry of Education and will not be returned.
- Registration period: 27th February – 29th September 2023.
- Submission Deadline: September 29th 2023
- Release of Results: October 2023
Target Audience/Beneficiaries
TVET and Technology Education students in Forms 1-6 at all secondary schools in Trinidad and Tobago.
Judging Criteria
Attractive prizes to be presented to overall winners of the competition (1st, 2nd and 3rd place).
Trophies will be awarded for the following categories
- Best Photo (photographer with the best photo for each theme).
- School with most entries
- Certificates of participation for all entrants and their respective schools
Contact Information
Ms. Tricia Gilkes (Trinidad)
Curriculum Coordinator (Ag)
Phone:627-4370, 350-4811
Email: CPDDTVETandTechEdUnit@moe.gov.tt
Mrs. Roberta Phillip-Ghouralal (Trinidad)
Curriculum Officer
Email: CPDDTVETandTechEdUnit@moe.gov.tt
Ms. Nadine St Rose (Tobago)
Curriculum Coordinator
Division of Education Innovation and Energy (DEIE) Tobago
Phone:687-7255, 639-5220/299-0781, ext. 3059/3060
Email: nadine.johnstrose@thadeie.gov.tt